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Stillbirth is a silent crises

with your help we can fund

research and specialized OBGYN

clinics like Rainbow clinics

Newborn baby feet
pregnant woman
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YOU CAN help save lifes

bringing awareness

to stillbirth

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You can help fund Specialized OBGYN Clinics like the Rainbow Clinic

What’s a Rainbow Clinic

It’s a specialized OBGYN clinic that provides a differentiate service:

  • Diagnose - Try to find a diagnose for the loss. Some future losses can be prevented with simple measures taken at pre conception stage or early on in pregnancy
  • Continuity of care -
  • Appointments on demand - Access to as many appointments or ultrasound tests as the mother wants for reassurance.
  • Joint prenatal and birth plan - The mother will participate in the plan of her prenatal care. Physician and patient will form a partnership throughout the pregnancy;
  • Emotional support - The mother will have access to emotional support by a therapist or social work “in loco”
  • Empathetic and trained staff – The staff will be trained by loss moms about sensitive communication